If you need to buy train tickets, we are happy to help you!

The cheapest way to book train tickets is at the hostel. We can book tickets instantly in the hostel al local prices with just a 150rub per ticket service charge.

If you want to book your ticket before you get to Russia please see the lick below. Here you can book tickets anywhere within Russia including Moscow and St Petersburg, all Trans-Siberian Trips (trans-Manchurian and Trans Mongolian), and tickets to other Russian cities.

Ordering with us is safe and secure and all train tickets can be delivered either to your home address or to NAPOLEON Hostel where we will keep your ticket in the hostel safe until you arrive. Please note tickets can only be ordered a maximum of 45 days before departure. Click the red button below to see live prices and availability for all train routes within Russia.

For group ticket requests (more than 10 tickets) please write to us directly at groups@napoleonhostel.com

Cathedral of Christ the Saviour

The tallest orthodox church in the world. Russia’s most important state cathedral with a capacity of 10 th people.